Sailing with grandpa
Sailing with grandpa

I wouldn’t have been able to participate on my own, and I’m very grateful that Gorm wanted to keep me company, says grandpa Egon.
Sailing from Las Palmas to Curaçao are 109 trainees from ten different nations, spanning in age from 14 to 81 years. Amongst these, on the blue watch, we meet Gorm (27) and grandpa Egon (81).
Missing his boat
After a life lived on the ocean, particularly in Voldsfjorden, Western Norway, Egon reluctantly sold his sailing boat a couple of years back. As age caught up with him, he wasn’t able to cope with the maintenance work any more. He’s been missing his boat very much.
- Visiting grandpa and grandma in the summertime was synonymous with sailing, tells Gorm, having the chance to sail the Atlantic Ocean together means a tremendous deal to us both.
Longing for the sea
To sooth Egon’s longing for the sea, his family arranged for him to take part in the One Ocean Expedition.
- I wouldn’t have been able to participate on my own and I’m very grateful that Gorm wanted to keep me company. It’s nice to create some new memories together, we’ve been sailing together for 27 years.

Egon describes that he has been touched by the enthusiasm for sailing amongst the crew and trainees on the ship. He would’ve liked to be able to contribute more with the sailing and on the watches.
- No one expects you to contribute more than you already do, Gorm ensures his grandfather, people are impressed by your participation on a voyage like this.
A cigar
For Gorm, gathering on the fore castle singing shanties at sunset has been a highlight this far. For Egon, a tour of the chart house with Captain Seidl, sparked both interest and joy.
They are sailing together with Statsraad Lehmkuhl all the way to Havana, Cuba.
- We’re going to celebrate with a cigar when we get there, they agree.